
E-mail: weixinzhang@139.com;电话:0371-23881856
2005.4-2008.6 中国科学院华南植物园,理学博士,生态学
2007.2-2008.2 美国University of Georgia,联合培养博士生,蚯蚓生态学
2002.9-2005.3 中国科学院华南植物园、广东省昆虫研究所,硕士生,生态学
1998.9-2002.6 西南大学(原西南师范大学),学士,生命科学
2016.8- 河南大学环境与规划学院,“黄河学者”特聘教授
2013.8-2016.2 中国科学院华南植物园,副研究员
2008.8-2013.7 中国科学院华南植物园,助理研究员
(3)国际科学基金项目(瑞典,IFS):Earthworm community as soil health bioindicator during plantation development in subtropical China,2006/01-2009/12,主持
He X, Chen Y, Liu S, Gunina A, Wang X, & Chen W, Shao YH, Shi LL, Yao Q, Li JX, Zou XM, Schimel JP, Zhang WX*, Fu SL* (2018) Cooperation of earthworm and arbuscular mycorrhizae enhanced plant n uptake by balancing absorption and supply of ammonia. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 116: 351-359.
Shao Y, Zhang WX, Eisenhauer N, Liu T, Xiong Y, Liang C, Fu S* (2017) Nitrogen deposition cancels out exotic earthworm effects on plant-feeding nematode communities. Journal of Animal Ecology, 86: 708-717.
Wang M, Zhang WX, Xia H, Huang J, Wu, Z, Xu G (2017) Effect of Collembola on mineralization of litter and soil organic matter. Biology & Fertility of Soils, 53(5): 563-571.
Chen Y, Yu S, Liu S, Wang X, Zhang Y, Liu T, Zhou L, Zhang WX*, Fu S* (2017) Reforestation makes a minor contribution to soil carbon accumulation in the short term: Evidence from four subtropical plantations. Forest Ecology & Management, 384: 400-405.
Wu JP, Zhang WX, Shao YH, Wang XL, Zhang CL, Liang CF, Chen YQ, Fu S* (2017) Plant-facilitated effects of exotic earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus on the soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics and soil microbial community in a subtropical field ecosystem. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 8709–8718.
Wu J, Li H, Zhang WX, Li F, Huang J, Mo Q, Xia H* (2017) Contrasting impacts of two subtropical earthworm species on leaf litter carbon sequestration into soil aggregates. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17(6): 1672-1681.
Lv M, Shao Y, Lin Y, Liang C, Dai J, Liu Y, Fan P, Zhang WX*, Fu S* (2016) Plants modify the effects of earthworms on the soil microbial community and its activity in a subtropical ecosystem. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 103: 446-451.
Wang X, Wang XL, Zhang WX, Shao Y, Zou X, Liu T, Zhou L, Wan S, Rao X, Li Z, Fu S* (2016) Invariant community structure of soil bacteria in subtropical coniferous and broadleaved forests. Scientific Reports, 6: 19071.
Huang J, Zhang WX*, Liu M, Briones MJI, Eisenhauer N, Shao Y, Cai X, Fu S, Xia H* (2015) Different impacts of native and exotic earthworms on rhizodeposit carbon sequestration in a subtropical soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 90: 152-160.
Zhang WX, Hendrix PF, Dame LE, Burke RA, Wu J, Neher DA, Li J, Shao Y, Fu S* (2013) Earthworms facilitate carbon sequestration through unequal amplification of carbon stabilization compared with mineralization. Nature Communications, 4: 2576.
Zhang WX, Hendrix PF, Snyder BA, Molina M, Li J, Rao X, Siemann E, Fu S* (2010) Dietary flexibility aids Asian earthworm invasion in North American forests. Ecology, 91(7): 2070-2079.
Li J, Zhang WX, Liao C, Yang Y, Fu S* (2009) Responses of earthworms to organic matter at different stages of decomposition. Pedosphere, 19(3): 382-388.
Hendrix PF*, Callaham Jr MA, Drake JM, Huang C-Y, James SW, Snyder BA, Zhang WX (2008) Pandora's box contained bait: The global problem of introduced earthworms. Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 39: 593-613.
Shao Y, Zhang WX, Shen J, Zhou L, Xia H, Shu W, Ferris H, Fu S* (2008) Nematodes as indicators of soil recovery in tailings of a lead/zinc mine. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40(8): 2040-2046.
Zhang WX, Li J, Fu S, Qiu J* (2006) Four new earthworm species belonging to Amynthas Kinberg and Metaphire Sims et Easton (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) from Guangdong, China. Annales Zoologici, 56(2): 249-254.
Zhang WX, Li J, Qiu J* (2006) New earthworms belonging to the genus of Amynthas Kinberg (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) and Drawida Michaelsen (Moniligastridae: Oligochaeta) from Guangdong, China. Journal of Natural History, 40(7-8): 395-401.
Weixin Zhang, Shenglei Fu. Special issue on the biodiversity and ecological functions of soil fauna. Soil Ecology Letters, 2021, 3(2): 83.
Weixin Zhang, Chengde Yu, Zhifeng Shen, Shu Liu, Suli Li, Yuanhu Shao, Shenglei Fu*. An ignored key link in greenhouse effect: soil and soil CO2 slow heat loss. Soil Ecology Letters, 2020, 2(4): 308-316.
Xinxing He, Xiaobo Li, Tao Liu, Xingjian Yang, Jianbo Cao, Libin Tao, Xiaoling Wang, Zhanfeng Liu, Qing Yao, Yongtao Li,Xiaoming Zou, Yuanhu Shao, Jianxiong Li, Weixin Zhang*, Shenglei Fu*. Earthworms negate the adverse effect of arbuscular mycorrhizae on living bacterial biomass and bacterial necromass accumulation in a subtropical soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2020, 151: 108052.
Yuping Chen, Jianbo Cao, Xinxing He, Tao Liu, Yuanhu Shao, Chenlu Zhang, Qingqiu Zhou, Feng Li, Peng Mao, Libin Tao, Zhanfeng Liu, Yongbiao Lin, Lixia Zhou, Weixin Zhang* , Shenglei Fu*. Plant leaf litter plays a more important role than roots in maintaining earthworm communities in subtropical plantations. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2020, 144, 107777.
Meirong Lv, Shenglei Fu, Yuanhu Shao, Yongbiao Lin, Jianping Wu, Weixin Zhang*. Earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus stimulated soil CO2 emission by enhancing substrate availability rather than changing microbiota community structure. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 717, 137227.
Weixin Zhang, Jianxiong Li*, Mingfang Guo, Chonghui Liao, Xinxing He, Yongbiao Lin, Shenglei Fu. The presence of earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus rather than organic matter sources indirectly controls N2O flux in tropical plantation soils. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2020, 96: 103150.
Weixin Zhang, Yuanqi Chen, Leilei Shi, Xiaoli Wang, Yongwen Liu, Rong Mao, Xingquan Rao, Yongbiao Lin, Yuanhu Shao, Xiaobo Li, Cancan Zhao, Shengjie Liu, Shilong Piao, Weixin Zhu, Xiaoming Zou*, Shenglei Fu*. An alternative approach to reduce algorithm-derived biases in monitoring soil organic carbon changes. Ecology and Evolution, 2019, 9(13): 7586-7596.
Yuanqi Chen, Jianbo Cao, Jie Zhao, Jianping Wu, Xiaoming Zou, Shenglei Fu, Weixin Zhang* . Labile C dynamics reflect soil organic carbon sequestration capacity: understory plants drive topsoil c process in subtropical forests. Ecosphere, 2019, 10(6): e02784.
Book chapter:
Coleman DC, Zhang WX, Fu S (2014) Toward a holistic approach to soils and plant growth. In: Interactions in Soil: Promoting Plant Growth (Eds: John Dighton and Jennifer Krumins), pp 211-223, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.