
E-mail: zcl@vip.henu.edu.cn;
2006-2010 中国科学院 华南植物园 生态学专业 硕博连读 理学博士
2001-2005 华中农业大学 农学专业 农学学士
2010-2014 河南大学生命科学学院 从事农田生态学研究
2014-至今 河南大学环境与规划学院 生态地理学实验室 从事土壤生态学、农田生态学
(1) 河南省科技发展计划项目:冬小麦-玉米轮作体系下氮肥和除草剂交互作用对土壤特性的影响(162102110012),2016/01-2017/12,主持。
(2) 河南省教育厅项目:白天和夜间不对称增温对水稻产量的影响 (13A180049),主持。
(3) 河南省博士后科研项目:以豆科为基础轮作方式对农田土壤pH和作物氮素利用效率的影响 (2010012) ,主持。
Chenlu Zhang,Xiaowei Li,Yuanqi Chen,Jie Zhao,Songze Wan, Yongbiao Lin, Shenglei Fu * . 2016.Effects of Eucalyptus litter and roots on the establishment of native tree species in Eucalyptus plantations in South China, Forest Ecology and Management, , 375, 76-83.
Jie Zhao,Songze Wan,Chenlu Zhang,Zhanfeng Liu,Lixia Zhou,Shenglei Fu *,2014. Contributions of Understory and/or Overstory Vegetations to Soil Microbial PLFA and Nematode Diversities in Eucalyptus Monocultures,PLos One,9(1): 1-8.
Chenlu Zhang, Shenglei Fu. 2009. Allelopathic effects of eucalyptus and the establishment of mixed stands of eucalyptus and native species. Forest Ecology and Management, 258, 1391-1396.
Chenlu Zhang, Shenglei Fu, 2010. The allelopathic effects of leaf litter and living root extracts of Eucalyptus species on crop species. Allelopathy Journal, 26 (1): 91-100.
Dima Chen, Chenlu Zhang, Jianping Wu, Lixia Zhou, Yongbiao Lin, Shenglei Fu*, 2011. Subtropical plantations are large carbon sinks: Evidence from two monoculture plantations in South China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151, 1214–1225.
Songze Wan, Chenlu Zhang, Shenglei Fu et al., 2014. The understory fern Dicranopteris dichotoma facilitates the overstory Eucalyptus trees in subtropical plantations, Ecosphere, , 5(5):51.
Songze Wan, Chenlu Zhang, Yuanqi Chen, Jie Zhao, Lixia Zhu ,Jianping Wu, Lixia Zhou, Yongbiao Lin, Zhanfeng Liu *, Shenglei Fu *. 2015. Interactive effects of understory removal and fertilization on soil respiration in subtropical Eucalyptus plantations, Journal of Plant Ecology, 8(3): 284-290.