
时雷雷, 男,1985年7月,理学博士,河南大学环境与规划学院, 博士后
电子邮箱: shileilei1985@163.com
电话: 15920366897
2012 - 2016, 中国科学院大学(华南植物园), 土壤生态学, 理学博士
2009 - 2012, 中国林业科学院(热带林业研究所), 土壤生态学, 理学硕士
2005 - 2009, 海南大学(原华南热带农业大学), 土壤学与植物营养, 农学学士
2016- 河南大学,环境与规划学院,博士后
(31700416, funded by NSFC), 2018-2020, PI
(2017M622336, funded by CPSFG), 2018-2019, PI
Shi, L., Zhang, H., Liu, T., Mao, P., Zhang, W., Shao, Y., & Fu, S. (2018). An increase in precipitation exacerbates negative effects of nitrogen deposition on soil cations and soil microbial communities in a temperate forest. Environmental Pollution, 235, 293-301.
Xinxing He, Yuanqi Chen, Shengjie Liu, Anna Gunina, Xiaoli Wang, Weili Chen, Yuanhu Shao, Leilei Shi, Qing Yao, Jianxiong Li, Xiaoming Zou, Joshua P. Schimel, Weixin Zhang, Shenglei Fu, Cooperation of earthworm and arbuscular mycorrhizae enhanced plant N uptake by balancing absorption and supply of ammonia, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Volume 116, 2018, Pages 351-359
Shi L.L., Zhang H.Z., Liu T., Zhang W.X., Shao Y.H., Ha D.L., Li Y.Q., Zhang C.M., Cai X.A., Rao X.Q., Lin Y.B., Zhou L.X., Zhao P., Ye Q., Zou X.M., Fu S.L., Consistent effects of canopy vs. understory nitrogen addition on the soil exchangeable cations and microbial community in two contrasting forests. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 553, 349-357.
Zhang H.Z., Shi L.L., Wen D.Z., Yu K.L., Soil potential labile but not occluded phosphorus forms increase with forest succession. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2016, 52(1), 41-51.
Shi L.L., Fu S.L., Review of soil biodiversity research: history, current status and future challenges. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(6), 493-509. (Invited review, in Chinese with English abstract)