
马磊,男,1985年4月,理学博士,河南大学环境与规划学院 讲师。
E-mail: lma@vip.henu.edu.cn;电话:15692010799
2016.08- 讲师,河南大学 环境与规划学院
2014.10-2016.08,博士后,中山大学环境 科学与工程学院
(1) 森林斑块面积变化对生态系统碳密度影响及其机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,41501658,2016-2018年,主持,在研
Ma, L., C. Shen, S. Fu, J. Lian and W. Ye. 2018. Temporal and spatial patterns in aboveground biomass within different habitats in a sub-tropical forest. Journal of Tropical Forest Science (accepted).
Ma, L., C. Shen, D. Lou, S. Fu, D. Guan, L. Ma, C. Shen, D. Lou, S. Fu and D. Guan. 2017. Patterns of ecosystem carbon density in edge-affected fengshui forests. Ecological Engineering 107: 216-223.
Ma, L., C. Shen, D. Lou, S. Fu and D. Guan. 2017. Ecosystem carbon storage in forest fragments of differing patch size. Scientific Reports 7(1).
Song, W., G. Lin, H. Cao and L. Ma*. 2016. Beta diversity pattern and its driving forces of fengshui woods in South Chin. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 45(4): 905-910.
Ma, L., J. Lian, G. Lin, H. Cao, Z. Huang and D. Guan. 2016. Forest dynamics and its driving forces of sub-tropical forest in South China. Scientific Reports 6: 22561.
Ma, L., M. Huang, Y. Shen, H. Cao, L. Wu, H. Ye, G. Lin and Z. Wang. 2015. Species diversity and community structure in forest fragments of Guangzhou, South China. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 27(2): 148-157.
Ma, L., C. Chen, Y. Shen, L. Wu, Z. Huang and H. Cao. 2014. Determinants of tree survival at local scale in a sub-tropical forest. Ecological Research 29(1): 69-80.
Shen, Y., L. Santiago, H. Shen, L. Ma, J. Lian, H. Cao, H. Lu and W. Ye. 2014. Determinants of change in subtropical tree diameter growth with ontogenetic stage. Oecologia 175(4): 1315-1324.
Shen, Y., L. Santiago, L. Ma, G. Lin, J. Lian, H. Cao and W. Ye. 2013. Forest dynamics of a subtropical monsoon forest in Dinghushan, China: recruitment, mortality and the pace of community change. Journal of Tropical Ecology 29: 131-145.