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FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT(2008)--A simplified system for measuring rhizosphere respiration of fine roots in situ
2020-03-12 18:49  

In this paper, we describe a simplified system that we designed to measure rhizosphere respiration of fine roots in situ. The system consists of three major components: an air-flushing unit, a root-chamber and a CO2 sampling apparatus. We tested and measured the reliability and efficiency of the air-flushing unit while it was attached to root-chamber. The results showed that the flushing efficiencies were at least 98% when 41 or more volume of water was used to flush the air out of both the small and medium root-chamber systems. Because the measured values of CO2-C sampled by syringe in gaseous form and measured by gas chromatograph (CC) was comparable to those sampled by NaOH solution trapping apparatus and measured by total organic C (TOC) analyzer, for simplicity we recommend the former approach. Overall, our results demonstrate that the system was reliable for measuring rhizosphere respiration of fine roots. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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