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傅声雷研究团队揭示林冠氮沉降提 2024-06-17
郭丽君一行赴大别山国家站调研并 2023-07-18
2023年中国地理学会农业地理与乡 2023-07-18
河南大学与信阳市人民政府举行信 2023-07-08
河南大学喜获10项2022年度河南省 2023-03-27
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ResearchGate (2019)--Soil and soil CO2 magnify greenhouse effect
2021-10-08 17:56  

Soil has been recognized as an indirect driver of global warming by regulating atmospheric greenhouse gases. However, in view of the higher heat capacity and CO2 concentration in soil than those in atmosphere, the direct contributions of soil to greenhouse effect may be non ignorable. Through field manipulation of CO2 concentration both in soil and atmosphere, we demonstrated that the soil-retained heat and its slow transmission process within soil may causeslower heat leaking from the earth. Furthermore, soil air temperature was non-linearly affected by soil CO2 concentration with the highest value under 7500 ppm CO2. This study indicates that the soil and soil CO2, together with atmospheric CO2, play indispensable roles in fueling the greenhouse effect. We proposed that anthropogenic changes in soils should be focused in understanding drivers of the globe warming.

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