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傅声雷研究团队揭示林冠氮沉降提 2024-06-17
郭丽君一行赴大别山国家站调研并 2023-07-18
2023年中国地理学会农业地理与乡 2023-07-18
河南大学与信阳市人民政府举行信 2023-07-08
河南大学喜获10项2022年度河南省 2023-03-27
河南大学与信阳市政府共建 “信 2023-03-27

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Soil Biology and Biochemistry (2020)--Plant leaf litter plays a more important role than roots in maintaining earthworm communities in subtropical plantations
2021-10-08 18:01  

Despite the importance of earthworms to making soils productive, little is known regarding the relative importance of maintenance of the various types of earthworm populations. In this study, we assessed the impact of long-term removal of two potential sources of carbon input, viz. plant litter and roots, on earthworms of Amynthas sp. (epigeic) and Pontoscolex corethrurus (endogeic) that reside at and below the soil surface and pri marily rely on litter and/or soil organic matter as a food source, in two different subtropical monoculture plantations. We found that Amynthas sp. disappeared and the density and biomass of Pontoscolex corethrurus was significantly reduced under litter removal treatment, whether roots were removed or not. In contrast, root removal had no significant impact on the density and biomass of both earthworm species. The results suggest that leaf litter, rather than roots, played key roles in maintaining the populations of both the epigeic Amynthas sp. and endogeic Pontoscolex corethrurus earthworms.

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