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傅声雷研究团队揭示林冠氮沉降提 2024-06-17
郭丽君一行赴大别山国家站调研并 2023-07-18
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Soil Research(2012)--Soil CO2 concentration and efflux from three forests in subtropical China
2020-04-01 11:37  

soil organic matter , soil water , modelling , land management , nutrients , soil rehabilitation , soil genesis , soil morphology and classification , minesite rehabilitation , erosion , effluent application , soil fertility and plant nutrition , soil biology and biochemistry , soil health , soil and water management and conservation , soil physics and hydrology , soil chemistry and mineralogy , soil pollution and waste disposal , tropical , Mediterranean , CSIRO , CSIRO PUBLISHING , publications , science , educational , scientific , journal , journals , Australia , Australian , international

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