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郭丽君一行赴大别山国家站调研并 2023-07-18
2023年中国地理学会农业地理与乡 2023-07-18
河南大学与信阳市人民政府举行信 2023-07-08
河南大学喜获10项2022年度河南省 2023-03-27
河南大学与信阳市政府共建 “信 2023-03-27
河南大别山森林生态系统国家级野 2022-11-25

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· Frontiers in Plant Science(2022)--Long-term water use efficiency and non-structural car... 2022-11-25 
· Land Degradation and Development (2021)--Effects of understory removal and litter addit... 2022-11-25 
· Ecosystems (2021)--Impacts of Canopy and Understory Nitrogen Additions on Stomatal Cond... 2022-11-25 
· Geoderma (2021)--Rates of soil respiration components in response to inorganic and or... 2021-12-24 
· NewPhytologist (2021)--Canopy and understory nitrogen addition have different effects... 2021-12-24 
· Ecology (2021)--Impacts of Canopy and Understory Nitrogen Additions on Stomatal Condu... 2021-12-24 
· Land Degradation and Development (2021)--Effects of understory removal and litter add... 2021-12-24 
· Soil Ecology Letters (2021)--Special issue on the Biodiversity and Ecological Functio... 2021-12-24 
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