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Water Air & Soil Pollution(2015)--Effect of Biochar in Cadmium Availability and Soil Biological Activity in an Anthrosol Following Acid Rain Deposition and Aging
2020-05-17 13:18  

Acidic deposition is a worldwide problem that often leads to the increase in soil available heavy metals. Liming and biochar can both raise soil pH and immobilize heavy metals. An experiment was conducted in the laboratory to study the effects of acidic deposition on soil Cd mobility and soil biological activity in a soil polluted with Cd. Biochar, prepared from poultry litter biochar (PLB) or eucalyptus biochar (EB) was added at a rate of 3 %. Liming controls, bringing the soil to the same pH as that attained with biochar, were also used. The experimental results showed a higher risk of Cd leaching and impaired biological properties under simulated acid rain. Biochar addition resulted in a reduction in the risk of leaching and in improved biological properties and could provide benefits over liming for the management of soil polluted with heavy metals, especially in areas affected by acidic deposition.

附件【Effect of Biochar in Cadmium Availability and Soil Biological Activity in an Anthrosol Following Acid Rain Deposition and Aging.pdf已下载
