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Scientific Reports (2018)--Functional recovery of a subtropical evergreen-deciduous broadleaved mixed forest following clear cutting in central China
2021-10-08 12:26  

Ecosystem functioning is largely dependent on the functional traits of its component species. Most of the previous researches on ecosystem recovery have mainly focused on taxonomic composition but less attention is concentrated on functional community composition. Here, we examine the dynamic trend of functional community composition along a recovery chronosequence following clear cutting in subtropical evergreen-deciduous broadleaved mixed forest. Results showed that with the process of recovery, the functional composition changed from a community with high specifc leaf area (CWM_ SLA), leaf nitrogen concentration (CWM_ LNC) and leaf phosphorus (CWM_ LPC) but low leaf thickness (CWM_ LT) and stem tissue density (CWM_ STD) to that with low CWM_ SLA, CWM_ LNC and CWM_ LPC but high CWM_ LT and CWM_ STD. Functional traits of evergreen and deciduous species were signifcantly diferent in each stage. Light availability and soil phosphorus were the most important infuencing factors during the recovery. Our study suggests that the subtropical evergreen-deciduous broadleaved mixed forest is gradually shifting from a resource acquisitive to a resource conservative assemblage, in which evergreen species will become more and more dominant. Any management or conservation planning upon the forest ecosystem should integrate this dynamic trend of functional change.

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